Monday, September 21, 2009

Import Export

Now I don't usually profess to be much of a techie, but in recent days I've been confronted by some serious work on the computer front. Right now, I am feeling hugely proud of myself, because despite the fact that I've had the house to get shipshape after three months of kids at home, food to cook, soccer games to attend and knitting to see to, I have achieved the impossible!

I have exported my blog to another address.

It's a long story actually. About a year ago, not long after I started writing Wilde Thyme Knits, I had a major catastrophe......I accidently DELETED my blog! I know....pretty dumb really, but what can I say? It takes just one slip of the finger and life can never be the same again.

I wrote to Blogger....... I wrote to Blogger again.....I joined the throngs of people begging Blogger to PLEASE retrieve their beloved blogs.

Nothing. Not even a "Tweet" to say they'd received my pleading missive (and let's face it, they have intimate connections with Twitter, so a small microblog would not have been too much to ask.) Still nothing. I resigned myself to starting again with another url and have been saddled with a "TER" on the end of "KNIT" ever since. I've checked back with Blogger periodically over the past year, just in case I could get them to acknowledge my existence, but again nothing.

During a recent sojourn into Blogland, I made the discovery that Blogger was permitting access to old addresses again. Aside from the fact that by now I'd forgotten which e-mail ID and password I'd used to set up my original account, what I did discover was that I could now create a new blog attached to my old Expat blog account using my original url

My life was complete.

This weekend I bravely created the new blog, exported the old to my desktop and then imported it from there to the new site. Can you believe it? I was holding my breath, I can tell you. A year's worth of work was on the line after all. But I did it! The only problem was that none of the features transferred with the posts, so I've spent several hours rebuilding parts of the site. This has also given me the opportunity for a bit of a face lift, so I've changed to a new template too.

My new found techie abilities saw me multi tasking on the way home from walking The Little Guy to school this morning too. As my text inbox on my cell phone was so full that it couldn't take any more messages, I decided to delete during the ten minute stroll back up the hill. I walked and deleted, crossed roads and deleted, all the while making this "ding dong" noise as each one of the 90 texts got erased from my inbox. (Talk about cleaning up! I've gone into over drive.) The final text was deleted just as I reached my front door.

So I've cleaned up, sorted out and am settling into a new blogging home now. Please come over and join me. Leave a comment to let me know you've arrived or join my Google followers. The kettle's on, the welcome's warm, I'd love to see you.

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